Map of Mt. Rainier NP boundary, 1899-2003
[Click on a marker on the map or from the list for information about the boundary.]
[See guide below for information about the boundary.]

Guide to Map
See history of boundary
MPG V2.8, January 2013

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The NP boundary designations are catagorized as:

   1899 designation, land defined in the law designated the NP ;

   1931 Expansion, land included with the 1931 law for inclusion of western Cascades Mountains;

   1988 Inclusion, land added for better management of NP resources;

   2003 Addition, land added in exchange with private timber companies and USFS.


Note about .-- The "information window" for each boundary has the following information:

    (1) Boundary name,
    (2) Year boundary designated, and
    (3) Reason for original or new boundary or lands.

This should provide sufficient information about the boundary.


There aren't any specific resources about the NP boundary, it's history is tucked inside the history of the NP itself, often lost in the text about who, what and when, only occasionally where the boundary was changed. Much of what is presented on the description and here is from books about the NP and maps of the NP.

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WSR V2.8, January 2013